Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Galaxy Hair!

Well, I made the plunge! When in doubt, go all out! I decided to give this galaxy hair thing a try!! I have super short hair and didn't know how it would go over or even if I would like it. So far, I love it! Ronin thinks it's silly but that's ok! I will post about how fast it fades as well as put up an update on what the products used where.

Disclaimer: although I love it, it took 6 hours to do. Because I had colored it before we had to lift the color, wash and dry it, bleach where the color was going to go, wash and dry that, then put the purple, blue and titanium on. And again, you wash and dry it. But I still love it!
‪#‎galaxyhair‬ ‪#‎purplehair‬ ‪#‎bluehair‬ ‪#‎titaniumhair‬ ‪#‎newdo‬ ‪#‎whenindoubtgoallout‬

Monday, November 2, 2015

Cheesy Potato Soup

This soup was easy to make! Here is the recipe!

2-4 Medium Potatoes (Peeled and diced 1/2-3/4 inch cubes)
1 Onion chopped
2 (14oz) Cans Chicken Broth
36 oz (4.5 cups) water
*Broth plus water should be 2 Quarts*
1 Stick of Butter
6 Tbsp. Flour
1 Cup Milk
2 Cups Shredded Cheddar Cheese
1 1/2 tsp. Salt
1/2 tsp. Seasoning Salt
1/2 tsp. Paprika
1/4 tsp. Pepper

Combine in a soup pot:
-Potatoes, Onion, Chicken Broth and Water.
-Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer on low until tender.
*I was in a time crunch, so I kept it boiling on high*

In a skillet:
-Melt butter and add flour. Cook until mixture bubbles.
-Remove from heat and stir in milk. Return to heat, once mixed, and stir until thick.
-Add the seasonings and cheese. Stir until even.
-Add 1 cup of the potato water to mixture and stir until smooth.
-Pour cheese mixture into the potato pot. Simmer soup on low until ready to serve.

*Soup felt too thin to us. To thicken, we took 1 "ninja bullet" cup of soup and blended it. The blended potato and soup mix, thickened it right up!

This soup was AWESOME! We did not change any of the ingredients! We added bacon on top but that was it! both of my boys loved it! I hope your family does too!

A big THANK YOU to Heather Skanchy for this recipe!

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Decorative Soap Bottles

Super easy. Are you ready?

Print picture on overhead or transparent paper and cut to size of bottle

Roll up picture and slide into the bottle.

Add Soap!

If placement is off, we used an eraser to move.

Replace lid and TA-DA!

Cook Book Challenge Accepted!

The other day I was looking through all of my cookbooks, I have many, trying to meal plan. I have one that is a collection of recipes from many different ward functions, ranging from all over the Salt Lake Valley. Well, I decided I would try something new! You see, in this cook book there are no pictures. I am a VERY visual person, Pinterest is one of my best friends, and makes it hard to cook from just a recipe, especially one that I have never made before. So, I made myself a challenge! I will cook all of the recipes in the book and add my picture to it. With doing this I will put in my picture, recipe and review of the recipe HERE! Be ready to see what we like and any adjustment that get made! I super excited to give this a try!

** Disclaimer: I have no deadline on when I will complete this challenge! I have to work on it as I am not very good at this, as explained above. I will also be posting other recipes that I try! I am super excited about all the fun that will be had!