Sunday, November 1, 2015

Cook Book Challenge Accepted!

The other day I was looking through all of my cookbooks, I have many, trying to meal plan. I have one that is a collection of recipes from many different ward functions, ranging from all over the Salt Lake Valley. Well, I decided I would try something new! You see, in this cook book there are no pictures. I am a VERY visual person, Pinterest is one of my best friends, and makes it hard to cook from just a recipe, especially one that I have never made before. So, I made myself a challenge! I will cook all of the recipes in the book and add my picture to it. With doing this I will put in my picture, recipe and review of the recipe HERE! Be ready to see what we like and any adjustment that get made! I super excited to give this a try!

** Disclaimer: I have no deadline on when I will complete this challenge! I have to work on it as I am not very good at this, as explained above. I will also be posting other recipes that I try! I am super excited about all the fun that will be had!

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