Monday, September 16, 2013

-Bleach Pen Design Shirt-

I sap on Pintereppersonalized andidn't have the right shI rt to try it out on. But whileBush s n vacation in Flaming Gorge, I decided to give it a try on my softball jersey. Here is the Pinterest LINK and the Original LINK.

I found a design on Google, grabbed a piece of cardboard, and my bleach pen and went to town.

Once you complete your design, let it sit until the desired bleach effect has been reached.

Wash and dry the piece of clothing, do touch-ups if needed.

 This was a fun craft. It is one I will do again. This is a fun idea for a party!

Pro's: Cute and  personalized clothing. Unique.

Con's: I didn't use a big enough piece of cardboard. The tighter the fabric, the less mess-ups.

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