Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Christmas Crack

I have had a lot of requests for the recipe of Christmas Crack. So, here it is! This stuff is so addicting and amazing.

4c - Corn Chex
4c - Rice Chex
4c - Golden Grahams
2 - Butter Sticks
1c - Karo Syrup
1c - Cashews (Almonds are a good alternative)
1c - Sugar
1c- Coconut

1- Melt butter in sauce pan.
2- Add Karo syrup and sugar.
-Mix and boil for 1 minute- (This will happen quickly)
3- Mix dry ingredients in a large bowl or dish.
4- Pour sugar mixture over the dry ingredients and mix well, until all the cereal is covered.
5- Let cool before serving.

**Please note that after a few days thew cereal will become soggy. Must eat batch in 3 days.)

This has become a family favorite! Hope you enjoy this addicting treat!

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