Thursday, November 14, 2013

Healty Start to YOU!

Yummy, Yummy! Who knew that being healthy could be so delicious? Well, I guess some people have always known. But for me, I'm learning how o cook healthy, but always need something sweet.
When I used to eat healthy, I thought, Yuck! Eating healthy is gross and there is never anything good! What about my sugar!! I NEED SUGAR! 
No more of that talk will be going on in my house. I have found some delicious desserts, snacks and food on a wonderful website that my husband showed me! On this site you can find FREE workouts, motivation, diet plans, recipes, etc.
Wait, I want to make sure that you heard me right. I said FREE! Like F-R-E-E, FREE!! This is the site that my husband used to loose over 60 pounds while I was pregnant!
What is this amazing website?
Give it a try and let the motivation of all the testimonials sweep you off your feet and into the gym!! Now I know that this isn't Pinterest related, but Lou's To Do's is not only for crafts, it's about trying new things! So get out there, visit this site and go to the gym! We all say that we need to be healthier and lose weight! Let be your first step into that direction!

**I know that I haven't posted in some time, my apologies. Moving and taking care of a baby is tough stuff!!

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