Monday, December 16, 2013

Pretzel Flop!

Pretzel Flop!

I tried to make pretzels the other day. They were a NO GO! Everything was great until I did the baking soda boil. It appears that I should have just done a soda wash instead of boiling them...

I followed the recipe closely but must not have done it correctly. I will try this again.

The recipe I used was from Instructables.

Moving Right

While I was preparing to move, I didn't want to pack up all my clothes and then put them back into my dresser. So, to solve this problem, I took out all my drawers of my dresser, used Glad Press 'N Seal wrap to cover them, then placed each drawer back into the dresser. It made transportation easy! If your dresser is too heavy and your drawers have to be removed, it still keeps all of your belongings organized. Very handy!

To move all of our silverware, I placed all the forks, spoons and knifes in their own Ziplock baggie then put them all back into the divider. This made for easy transportation and was able to put them back into a silverware drawer with ease!

For my sharp knives, I wrapped them in paper towels before placing them in the baggies. This made it so the baggies did not get punctured.

For all of my dishes I was going to wrap them all in news paper. However, it was suggested to me to use my washcloths or towels to separate them. Luckily my towels were large and I was able to weave several dishes in the same cloth.

This was a great way to move all of my utensils and dishes! Nothing broke! I will do this again next time I move!

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Moving Flop!

We had put gel, sticky owls on our little boys wall at our old house. To move, I tried to place them in Glad Press 'N Seal wrap to keep them together and for the ease to put them back on the wall.

FLOP!! That didn't happen! I tried to put them back up on the wall and all it did was pull all funky and was not able to get them back up without ruining them. I wouldn't recommend doing this.....

cabbage wedges

Delicious cabbage wedges!!!

I have always had a hard time with cabbage but now I love it!!! These wedges are amazing and are simple.

1 Cabbage
Olive Oil
Salt and Pepper (chicken bouillon works great too)
Sesame Seeds

1- Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
2- Cut the cabbage into 1 1/2" slices. Place oiled on a baking sheet.
3- Brush (or spray) oil over each slice.
4-Sprinkle oregano and sesame seeds over each slice.

5- Cook for 40 to 45 minutes. Monitor baking after 35 minutes as to not over burn the cabbage.

6- Let cool and enjoy!!

Love this recipe and cook it often! A great side to any dinner!

Potato Bags

Potato Bags!

These are the other 1/2 of my Christmas gift to my in-laws.

My mom and I stayed up all night to complete 5 of these and it was a BLAST!! Fun project to do together. Before we decided to make these bags, we talked about all the things that I could make but everything was a decoration. Seeing as how I just moved and things are still not put together, decorations were too much for me, everyone seems to do a decoration. It was time to do something useful. Not holiday oriented. These were the perfect solution!

Start by taking either 100% cotton filler or a special Potato batting.

 We used Warm Tater, specific to potato bags. All the instructions were obtained there.


Cut your batting/ filler into a 23" by 11" rectangle.
**Most batting specific to potato bags will already be 11". Check your batting.**

Select 2 types of fabric. One for the inside and one for the outside.

 Place in order, 
-Inside fabric
-Outside fabric
Face the fabrics right side to right side.

Match up and sew together (1/4" seam) leaving a hole at the top. <
> Approximately 3".

 Cut all 4 corners off.

 Flip bag inside-out, between the right sides of the fabric.
Use a corner/ boning tool to push out the corners and press the seams.

 Fold in the edges, pin and sew.

 We created a double sewed seam to make sure that there was no hole.

Quilt bag if desired. This creates a finishing touch and makes it look professional.

 Fold up the bottom edge of the bag, leaving about 3" of a flap and sew.
**If your fabric is directional, make sure to fold the correct side.**

Once your bag is complete, wash it and it is ready to use!!

 This was my completed gift with the peppermint pancakes! Such a great gift! Everyone loved it! It worked out as a useful!

Peppermint Pancakes

Peppermint Pancakes

Better late then never! So much for posting this 15 days ago.....

This is a family tradition. I have grown up having peppermint pancakes every Christmas morning. This was 1/2 the gift that I gave for the craft Christmas swap with my in-laws.

It was super easy and fun to do with my mom!

Take a candy cane(s).....


Placing it (them) into a plastic baggie, crush with a hammer (Easiest way to break it up. Be careful, the candy canes will create holes in the baggies.)

Crush until the pieces are the size that you desire.

Take the pancake mix that you want. I placed several cups into a bag as part of the gift.
 Make up your pancakes and begin to cook.

Sprinkle the peppermint over the top of your pancakes. And finish cooking.

Use whatever topping you prefer and enjoy!!